Confirmation bias is a cognitive pitfall that affects our ability to think critically and objectively. It will lead us to seeking information based on what our existing beliefs while ignoring the other information and evidences that contradicts it. Majority of people call it the father of fallacies because most us of are suffering to it almost daily.

It is often stems from how beliefs are passed down through generations. Majority of us, especially Filipinos were raised to adopt the beliefs or worldview of our parents, whether about religion, politics etc. we seldom question it and just copy what they do, its human nature.

Confirmation bias is mostly seen in journalism. Many journalists, intentionally or not, always fall victim to cognitive error. Majority of journalist will gather 2-3 evidence of their narrative and they will call it a day. This will lead to biased reporting, where the story presented picture the pre existing beliefs of the journalist.

Internet is another fertile ground for confirmation bias. To stay informed we browse news sites, blogs and a growing group of people used social media as their source of news. This media’s algorithms are almost accurate that it always feed us what we want or what we favored. Our liked and followed pages and sites almost mirrored our existing values and beliefs, be it good, bad, left, right, liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between. While this seem convenient, it creates a bubble or a chamber where we are constantly exposed to information that supports our worldview. We joined communities and groups of like minded people, making us think that our understanding and perspective is the only valid one because you are not been exposed to alternative perspective.

I will give special mention to the so called “Youtube journalists” who spread news as if they do the ground work to gather evidence of what they are showing and saying, of course that’s just for the content. And many people fall victim to those people everyday, they consider these as source of news whereas these are just commentaries.

Always fight against the confirmation bias, whether if its about beliefs of the world, politics, investments, marriage, health, strategies. ALWAYS seek for disconfirming evidences, diversify your sources, question everything and be open to change your beliefs!